Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Brain dead and still writing...

I always have a lot to say and now suddenly as I am sitting here my mind draws a complete blank.  Highly unusual and not particularly likely and yet here we are.  Hmmmm today I am a crabby applepants and have a dull headache, although I don't think I have run into an exciting headache yet.

So where does this leave us?  Well I certainly hate to be a whine ass so I will try to be more upbeat than what I feel.  I have been writing fairly regularly but to my surprise I have a very dark and twisted soul.  Don't ask me why I can't even be sure myself.  I do like writing uplifting and inspirational stuff mostly but every now and then my dark side oozes out from in between the light beams.

Where there is light perhaps there must too be shadows?  Sounds good anyway.  How many of you out there have a dark side?  Do all of us? Indeed that seems possible.  I find that feeling yucky does interfere with the creative process or not so much interfere but bend creativity in a negative way.   Life is real and in reality some rain must fall.  We appreciate the sunnier days so much more this way.  I am totally looking forward to a sunnier day.  The weather has been cold, cloudy and damp.  My allergies which seems to be the source of my headaches are in full swing.  Coughing, congestion and well headaches.  

So how many of you out there are getting a headache reading this negative stew?  I know I am, oh wait, I already had the headache to begin with.  Well here's to you having a great day and in the meantime I will mumble to myself and mutter profanities while I await feeling better.  Nothing like crazy!  Oh didn't I mention that?  Well we will save that for another day LOL

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